وقتی می خواهید ایمیلی باز کنید حواستان باشد آدرسی را انتخاب نمایید تا هم راحت تر باشد و هم از امتیازات متعاقبش مانند جایزه یک میلیون پوندی و به روایتی دیگر یک میلیون یورویی آن برخوردار شوید.
چندی پیش ایمیلی برایم رسید که حاکی از برنده شدن آدرس ایمیل من بود و جایزه آن بیش از یک میلیارد تومان بود.
پس از اینکه از من مشخصات و شماره حساب خواستند با کمال ناباوری این اطلاعات را در اختیارشان گذاشتم.
و بعد از آن در ضمن پیامی دوباره اعلام کردند که شما باید حق بیمه و گمرک آنرا بپردازید تا ما بتوانیم آنرا برایتان ارسال نماییم.حق بیمه و گمرک در هزار دلار بود.
This is to inform you that you have been selected for a cash prize of
£1,000,000.00 pounds held September, 2007 in London UK.
The selection process was carried out through random selection in Our
computerized email selection system(ess) from a database of over
250,000 email Addresses drawn from which you were selected.
Winner"s name: Seyed Musa Seyed Moharrami
Raffle Draw Winning Email: misag14@yahoo.com
Congratulations Lucky Winner,
Your approved winning Certificate number is UK/9876125
Your winning Transfer Identification code is .ELPC/MWT/0143
The process for claiming your winnings has been made very simple so that by the end of one week at most, you are assured of having received your cash prize of the sum of £1,000 000 Pounds Sterling and all the legal documents backing your winnings. In the light of the above mentioned, you are to contact the the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning to you with the contact informations below:
1. WINNER - REF: LP/26510460037/0
2. BATCH : 24/00319/IPE
3. TICKET NO : 6325698-44596-222
4. SERIAL NO : 410-32659
5. DRAW LUCKY NO: 4014-236985744-596
7. AMOUNT : $ 1,000,000.00 ( ONE MILLION US DOLLARS
Dear Lucky Winner,
Attn/Seyed musa Seyedmoharrami.
Regard your winning award money, this is what you have do to enable you claim your winning money finaly to your nominated Bank account in Iran without any hitch.
We agreed to take care of the TAX FEE as you have agreed to pay for the INSURANCE FEE.
Furthermore, according to the constitution of this Organisation, you must pay the total sum of ( 1,000 Euro ) as your Insurance Fee to enable the Lottery Organisation sign off your Clearance Certificate of Legality in the high court and to enable the claimming manager collect your cheque from the board of control and transfer your winning money to your Bank account under 48 Hours.
The 1,000 Euro is for your Insurance Fee. It is stipulated that you must remit the little amount of 1,000 Euro to this Organisation before we can be able to transfer your fund to your noted bank account, also it is stipulated under the constitution of this country that no money should be send out of this country without signing the clearance certificate of legality to avoid fraudulent act over any money been send out. And the copy of your Cheque and the Certificate of Legality can be send to you for confirmation after the Insurance Payment.
However, this is to notify you that before your winning fund transfer to your Bank account. If you are ready to claim your wining fund, you better act accordingly.
The name of whom to send the money to is ( MR. MUKHTAR -AHMEED). He is the Officer in charge your Claimming, after you made the payment to the Board,the board will sign off your Clearance Certificate from the high court of justice here in Burkina-Faso, then i ( Mr. Adam Salif ) will take your cheque to the Bank in order to Transfer your wining money to your nominated bank account under 48 Hours.
توجه داشته باشید که شانس فقط یک بار در خانه هر کس را می زند ولی تا در خانه مرا زد من خواب بودم.
البته تقصیری هم ندارم چون بسیار بدبین بار آمده ام و مقصر این ضرب المثل است که می گوید:سرکه نقد به از حلوای نسیه
ولی ناراحت نشوید به قول ملا نصرالدین که چون دزد را در ورودی مسجد آماده دید با کفش داخل مسجد رفت و نماز خواند.
دزد انتقاد کرد که با کفش ترا نماز صحیح نباشد! جواب داد:
اگر چه مرا نماز نباشد ولی لااقل کفش در پای بباشد!!!